Sunday, March 21, 2010

Holy Cranoly!

Has it seriously been since August since I blogged? How lame is that?

Well, this 3rd child thing has thrown me into a loop! I am just trying to make it day to day. He is the sweetest, most wonderful baby but my time is stretched thin with AnnaBelle in school, going to the gym, being AnnaBelle's soccer coach, directing a play, getting ready for Miss Lehi, and doing my round up duties. Not to mention church callings on top of that. It has been a crazy time!

We bought season tickets to the Jazz this year. It's kind of our thing. We do it together and it's something the 2 of us love! I also bought a spray on tan machine and that comes in handy often! I get free babysitting for spray on tans! The young women in the ward love it!

I have been trying to get my butt into shape and run a 1/2 marathon in June. I can definitely feel a difference in my body. I love it that my arms and legs aren't giggling as I walk. I feel strong but I have a long way to go to get ready for the run. Someday I will get to full marathon status but let's not bite off more than we can chew. Speaking of which, I need to start watching what I eat more!

Why am I watching "Minute to Win it?" What a stupid show!

Anyway, I am back and will be better. My layout was having problems. I tried changing my background but it didn't work. Turns out it was my layout so I changed that and Voila! It worked! I'm back baby!


cwilson said...

Finally!!! I wondered what happened to you! Way to go on the 1/2 marathon too! Good for you!

Natalie Kay said...

Yay for blogging again. Show us that cute baby boy of yours!!!

P.S. I'll babysit for you in exchange for a tan. Let's do it quick before my body gets very much bigger.

Smith Family said...

I'm happy to see you blogging again!! You always say I'm super woman but I'm pretty sure you take the cake on that one. But not too much cake or you wont be able to run your 1/2 marathon. :-) You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Glad I read your blog! You are a doll. I get dizzy just watching you! You are SOOOOO SUPER BUSY! I admire your energy! Could you pass some off to me? I love it! JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS! :) Fill me in on the gym thing. What kind of stuff are you doing? I NEED TO GET IN SHAPE!! :) Love the Blog, BTW! Thanks for sharing!

Carlie said...

hooray. you are back.