Saturday, August 9, 2008

Top 10 Best Swiss Days Moments Countdown

10-Pulling out the booth from the "coop of dispair" and getting that butterfly feeling.

9- Watching my amazing dad lift heavy walls at his ripe age (thanks dad!)

8-Setting up the booth in the dark (3-5 pm set up time isn't enough before dark.)

7-Waking up on Friday at 6:30 to techno music on Cyd's phone alarm. Waking up Saturday morning to the announcer for the 5K.
Announcer-"Wake up campers, let's get this party started"
Me- "SHUT UP!!! It's frickin 6:00!!!"

6-Making hot chocolate, getting stuff ready, trying to start the scooter in the cold (to no avail,) walking in the cold to the booth, taking down the stupid tarp, having people buy stuff before the tarp is even down.

5-Compliments from shoppers on our cute stuff and booth.

4-Spooning with Cyd in one sleeping bag cuz it was FREEZING!

3-Riding scooby to 7-11 and Mountian Top Restaurant with my pregnant sister hanging on for dear life behind me. Almost wrecking 17 times.

2-Making more the first day then we made in the last 2 years, COMBINED!!!! AH!

1- Having an awesome time with "the best sister in the world!" Laughing until we peed and reaping our rewards for hard work.

Thanks Cyd! It was a great time! Thanks to Noah, Rich, Dad, and Mom for all of your help. It WOULD NOT have been possible without all of you! We owe you a big steak dinner.


leslie jo said...

Congrats Ash. Someday in my life I will get up to Swiss Days. I am glad you didn't freeze to death, or kill yourselves in the cold.

Kennedy, Brexton, Sadie, Dallin, Jumper said...

Glad to hear that it was successful but more important a lot of fun. Post some pics if you have any.

Carlie said...

sounds like a frikkin blast. seriously. u go girl

About Me said...

I think Wendy might be jealous since she's always thinking and singing "I'm the best sister in the world..." Anyways, another Swiss Days down...20 to go right?!?

I had a blast! It's like Christmas!
By the way thanks for not wrecking us on the scooter!

Kate Daly said...

sounds like you had a BLAST!!! i miss yer face!!! let's get together sometime soon and party :D