Thursday, May 20, 2010


***Disclaimer....I use offensive language in this post but only in defense of my dad and brother. It's the mother-bear syndrome in me but really the daughter-bear, sister-bear***

I just need a minute to vent. Have any of you heard of the city prosecutor and city police problem? It's on if you want to read it.

I don't know the facts of the story. I'm still gathering information so I won't say who or what side I am on. My problem is that NOWHERE in that story is anything written about the city council yet some idiot decides to bring my family into it in the discussion board. Here's his retarted post:

"The city of Lehi, its’ city council, its’ police department, its’ building and park department has been a “Good Old Boys Club” for a long time. I am glad to finally see someone stand up and take a stand.

Several years ago I lived in Lehi. It was at a time the city started to see vary large growth. It seemed as if there was a new subdivision being built everyday. I was new to the area and wanted to get involved more in my city. That is when I started to discover the “Good Old Boys Club”. Not once, not twice but three times I reported to city police cattle running free on the streets in the Pioneer Subdivision. The officer who responded to the first called blew the issue off saying, “Those are Bishop Revill cows.”

A few years after the Pioneer subdivision was built the home’s basement began to fill with water. The issue was report to the city in the hope of finding the source of the water. Many residents attended a city council meeting to discuss the issue. I was surprised to hear our Lehi elected officials tell the people to just forget the issue and go home.

I and others learned there had been springs running in the area for years and everyone who had grew up in the area wondered why the city let them build homes there. It was the "Good Old Boys"... Someone knew someone who was on the planning board.

Lehi City has been a club for the “Good Old Boys” and still is. City Councilman Johnny Revill has on the city’s web site as his qualification “Serves in the High Council in the Lehi Jordan River Stake” The Revill's sold their land to build Cabels, now on the city council and over the police mind you.

I hope when this is all over the “Good Old Boys” change the guard. "

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Just so you know, Johnny and I both commented on his comment. Here they are:

Johnny's- " Maybe you need to get your facts straight before you accuse myself and my family, the chief and everyone else in Lehi for being corrupt and part of the "good ole boy" club. Your blind assumptions and accusations make you look like a fool. I'll only address one of your mis-informed statements and that will discredit all of your others; my family never has and never did own the property, nor property anywhere near where Cabela's is now. I find these posts amusing. It seems a place for people to go to make themselves feel better by hammering on others without disclosing their identities. Real brave of you Dry Fish. I would love to sit down with you and truly discuss what is happening in our wonderful city of Lehi. It's unfortunate for you that you don't live here anymore and I wish your stay would have been better. But sometimes no matter how hard some people look, they just can't enjoy life. Do me a favor, cheer up and go take a happy pill."

My response: "Dry you have a problem with my family??? Please fess up and tell us what your problem is. Just like my favorite brother wrote, we have never owned any land on or near Cabelas. My husband and I bought my parents land when they were ready to move somewhere that my dad could farm and have horses without outsiders bugging him. I'm sorry my dad's cows got out 10 years ago. Yes...he was a Bishop 10 years ago. Move on. We pride in the fact that we are still that community that has roots and values. I will NEVER understand anyone who think it's wrong to be that way. We were founded on values and still have values."

I am a non-confrontational person. "Can't just everybody get along" is truly my catch phrase but as soon as you go attacking my family, most of all my father who is the greatest man I know....oh HELL NO! It's on!

I don't know who this guy is but seriously, get your facts straight, get a life, and sleep with one eye open bitch!


My Barratt Family said...

#1 can I borrow some money?

#2 thank God for the "good ole boys". For those men not only did so much for me but held my family together during the most difficult times.

#3 welcome to Leeeeeehi bitches! If you don't like it don't let the barn door hit ya in the arse.

Love you all!

Zipdinger said...

:) I love Lehi for it's old town values, and it's small town charm, (that somehow it has maintained despite being inundated with new construction...) We look forward to raising our children here, growing old and maybe even someday owning the "old Sanderson place" over on 2nd west.Don't take what anyone says to heart when they're being belligerent, Ashley! Your family is great, and you've got nothing to apologize for. Being an old Lehi family is something I envy the Revills, and something I hope we are someday!

Smith Family said...

Why in the world did this guy single your family out so bad? I just can't believe that someone would have such issue with one of the most amazing families I know. It's incredibly obvious he doesn't know your family well or there is no way he could have been so rude. I'm sorry that you guys have to deal with that. Poor guy, felt like the cow was out to get him so he had to find someone to blame.

Anonymous said...

The things that are happening right now are absolutely ridiculous. I cannot believe the low blows people are using right now! It is very disturbing. My favorite thing about Lehi is they still have the Small Town Values. There aren't many places that has what Lehi has. Chad Smith is the MOST amazing man I have ever met, and for people to beat him up emotionally, mentally, physically, etc. That is BULL SHIT! I cannot stand watching him suffer like this. Your family, from what I know of them, is AMAZING! Who in their right mind would ever throw this kind of crap out there! Freaking fess up and be a damn man! What a MORON!!!! GRRR, sorry! This is a VERY sensitive subject with me (as you can tell)