Sunday, March 9, 2008

Random thoughts

American Idol......I don't even want to talk about it. I cannot believe that she made the Top 12. Are you kidding me America? I am sure you know who I am talking about.

How 'bout them Jazz? Not too shabby!

I don't understand Nascar. What's that all about?

Should I cut AnnaBelle's bangs? Can I perm or straighten my hair even though I bleach it? My hairdresser says yes but I am scared. I need either straight or really curly hair. My hair is just frizzy. RRRRR!!!!!

I love Conan. He makes me laugh. I also love Saturday Night Live. I laughed a lot on Saturday.

My new favorite movie of all time is Pride and Prejudice. I don't understand 1/2 of what they are talking about during it but it's great.


Natalie Kay said...

That was very good rendition of "random thoughts". Very well done!

Haha. Are you talking bout Carly on American Idol? What is the fuss about with her? I don't get it.

Nascar...not my thing!

I do not know about the hair thing. I'm sure it would be fine.... maybe a little damaging?

Ashley McKinnon said...

I actually think Carly is good. She could be better with time. I am talking about stinking AMANDA!!! She should have been voted off on day 1. Darn you vote for the!!!!