Monday, June 30, 2008


I got this from Carlie's blog. It sounded like fun!

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Natalie Kay said...

Where in the world do I start???

Top 4:

1- Our sleepover when we folded socks and played that Farming Game all ALL night long.

2- Finding lizards, fool's gold, and guppy fishing!

3- You making Mac & Cheese and Oh Henry's everyday when we were college roommates.

4- Taking Interior Design in high school together. You were late everyday and we always got in trouble for talking.

Smith Family said...

I have a few too:
1. It spills fish juice on it's pants
2. Peeing our pants in the train station in NY
3. "Is that guy Skiwaumpus?"
4. Your hip hop dancing that cracks my 9-month-old up.

Ashley McKinnon said...

Nat-I LOVE the farming game! I dreamed of socks that night. I remember hoping that one of the Wades would drive by and give us a ride after fishing. I still am the best mac and cheese maker in the world and Oh Henrys ROCK! I had the biggest crush on that Rob kid that was in that class. :)

Traci- That's hilarious! I am peeing now laughing! I turned on Silence of the Lambs yesterday (edited on tv) and it was at the "it rubs the lotion on it's skin" part and I was laughing so hard! I still have the notebook that has our made up language we made up in the bus. We were so bored! Remember how you made fun of that girl because her hair was in pigtails and mine was too?? Ha! And remember the carriage ride we took and the horse's name was Noah? It was a sign and then he almost bit my finger off when I gave him a carrot. :)

Suzie said...

1. the summer after you graduated. your house. during a YW meeting you had a big time tantrum when your mom wouldn't give you any money. tee hee :)

2. girls camp in 2001? I think. Pink furry trenchcoat. sassy attitude. you were the coolest! (still are)

3. new mom. Annabelle at 4 weeks old. you were such a good first-time mom. so smitten with her and so sleep deprived. you told me you were so in love with motherhood. :)

Misty said...

Okay, there are quite a few fond Encore memories, but I like to stick with the real early ones. I remember the first time I came to your house and I believe it was with Lindsay S. You had your little black pug at the time and I am sure everyone got to see this, but you made him sing for me. It was cute - and I will never forget it.

Discovering D said...

Soccer camp! Need I say more..we named our room "Da Bush!" We decorated our door with bush branches hahahah!! Good times. And I remember you always had to go to sleep with your headphones on!
Jr. Jazz our jr. year in H.S. your dad coached us!! We freakin ROCKED!!

Carlie said...

ok- so i have the same memories of you tool. (that since we've actually only met like twice) I remember going to you r house the night b4 grannies funeral and it seemed like the entire HART family was there. and i remember going to ikea with you and noah.

The Hills said...

Okay, I remember you and I riding the water weenie together and making up names for all of the different kinds of waves and things. We both loved and hated it all in the same sentence. We were scared but had so much fun at the same time.

One more....just for fun, I remember that Easter at Gram & Pa's when we went and played down in the swamp and came back to the house covered in black stincky swamp mud in our brand new, now ruined, Easter outfits. Somehow we always managed to be filthy dirty!